Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013

  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013
  • wp socializer sprite mask 16px Scientology flyer stuffed in my mailbox on October 30, 2013

Church of Scientology flyer Cambridge delivered to Waterloo mailboxes – October 30 2013

At first I thought that it was too early for Trick or Treat night, but to my surprise, the local church of scientology arranged to have someone stuff mailboxes in my community with their outrageous “Free Personality Test”, also known as the Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA).

The OCA has been debunked by almost every reputable psychological and psychiatric organization.

  1. Wikipedia review of the OCA
    The test is an important part of Scientology recruitment and is used worldwide by the Church of Scientology to attract new members. However, it is not a scientifically recognized test and has been criticized by numerous psychology organizations, who point out that it is “not a genuine personality test”[3] and allege that Scientologists use it in a “highly manipulative” and “manifestly unethical” fashion.

  2. opinion on the OCA – How can you beat it?
    This shows the idiocy behind this test; each question has a numeric score set by Hubbard. Just like simple “personality tests” in a women’s magazine. The accuracy of this test is probably as good as the weekly horoscope in the same. The test has absolutely nothing to do with reality, other than producing a result that may make a gullible person buy a course. Here are the answers that would give the best result (try it at an Scientology shop, and they’ll still recommend you buy their courses!):

  3. The Manual of the Oxford Capacity Analysis 1955 EDITION

  4. Scientology Canada’s own web site on the OCA
    The Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) is a self-report test utilized in Scientology Churches since the 1950s to measure changes in how people feel about themselves. People may complete an OCA through the mail or in the Test Center of a Church of Scientology.

    The OCA is also a measure of how people feel about themselves before, during and after auditing. It is comprised of 200 questions designed to measure 10 traits common to all beings. These traits rise markedly in auditing, reflecting one’s gains.

    Because the test measures how people feel about themselves, a person’s answers will change as they come to realizations through auditing. These changes, then, are a useful measure of the subjective spiritual gains a person experiences. OCA tests are used throughout a person’s progress in Scientology.

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